Why is mail delivery being reduced to every other day?

According to Chancellor Perlman, although the Legislature's budget proposal called for no reductions in state funding over the course of the next two years, UNL will still need to address increased expenditures. Therefore, the reduction of five day mail delivery to every other day has been enacted as part of a $5 million budget cut effective July 1, 2011.

Can I have Courier pickup my mail for my department?

No, they will not have authorization to pick up mail.

Can I come to Mail & Distribution Services and pick up my individual mail (employee name only)?

No, at this point, that is not possible. You would need to see the individual authorized by your Dean/Director to pickup your department's mail. They would be able to come to Mail and Distribution Services and pick up all of the department's mail between the hours of 9:30am and 11:30am.

How do I get a Mail Pickup Authorization Card?

Your respective Dean/Director must complete that Mail Pickup Authorization Card Request form and send it to either Connie Rohloff (crohloff1@unl.edu) or Karen Ouellette (kouellette1@unl.edu).

How long will it take to receive the Authorization Card?

Once the request is received, the card will be addressed to the Dean/Director requesting the card(s) and delivered to the mailbox of the zip code involved in this request within 2 business days.

Once I receive the card, how do I pickup my department's mail?

You can pick up your mail between 9:30am and 11:30am, Monday- Friday at Mail and Distribution Services (1100 N. 17th Street). You will need to bring the authorization card and your NCard with you. Once you arrive at Mail & Distribution Services you will show your Authorization Card. Mail and Distribution Services will scan your NCard and you will receive all mail for the authorized zip code(s).

Will Mail & Distribution Services supply me with mail tubs and carts to pick up departmental mail?

No. Mail and Distribution Services will not be able to provide mail tubs, totes and carts for departments to use.

May I take only part of that day's mail, and leave the remainder for delivery by Mail and Distribution Services on the subsequent day?

No. Once you present your Authorization Card and NCard to Mail and Distribution staff, you will receive all undelivered mail for the zip code(s) shown on the card(s).

May I call ahead to identify whether a specific item might be contained in the non-delivered mail before making a trip to pickup the entire mail?

You certainly may call ahead; however, the 2011 budget cuts have reduced Mail and Distribution staffing to the point that most phone calls during regular sorting and delivery times may not be answered.

Where will I park when I pick up or drop off my department's mail?

Two parking stalls will be identified in the Faculty/Staff A parking lot outside the Mail and Distribution Services Building for those individuals picking up or dropping off mail.

Will Mail & Distribution Services help me get the mail to my vehicle?

No, due to staffing constraints of the 2011 budget cuts, Mail & Distribution staff will not be able to assist employees with removing the mail from Mail & Distribution Services. It will be the employee's responsibility to load the mail into their vehicle.

Can I still drop off mail to be metered or bulk mail for processing?

Yes, you are always encouraged to drop off mail to be metered or bulk mail for processing to assure that your outgoing mail is properly weighed and given the proper postage. However, this must be done between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm, Monday - Friday. You do not need an Authorization Card to drop mail off.

What happens if my department loses the authorization card?

A new card can be requested by filling out the Mail Pickup Authorization Card request form. There will be a $10 replacement fee so a cost center will also be needed.

June 2011