Spot vs. CMYK Colors

Color can add flare to your publication, but it is important to know the different coloroptions that are available when preparing your files.

Spot color

  • is a single ink color derived from the Pantone matching system. This widely utilized system provides specific color swatches for designers to choose from and specific instructions for printers to reproduce the chosen color.
spot colors image


Process color

  • is the combination of four standard colors; cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (cmyk). Ultimately, designers can incorporate one or more spot colors, process color, or a combination of the two. It is best to keep this color choice in mind when creating your page layout and art files and to discuss what colors you use in your files with your CSR when submitting your job.
Process colors image


RGB (red, green, blue)

  • Color is used for TV or computer monitors and should never be used for printing.


  • All elements that extend to the final trim edge need bleed (extra image and color) extended to at least .125" or 1/8" past the edge of the page.