FedEx Updated Information

FedEx shipments sent by individual departments may be entered

  • On-line, electronically in secure link (This method is highly recommended because it is automated, eliminates errors and saves a great deal of time). If you need to set up a new account, contact Skylar Wendel 2-7831.
  • entered on paper Airbills (This is discouraged)
  • Each shipment can either be picked up at the department of origin by FedEx, or picked up by Mail and Distribution regular service and shipped from there.
  • Do not order box or other supplies from FedEx, this will cost you. Rather get them by calling UNL Mail services 2-9970 as they can provide these for free.

FedEx shipments sent for you by Mail and Distribution can either be

  • brought to the Mail Room @ 1100 N 17th by someone in the your department
  • picked up by the Mail and Distribution mail carriers on their regular route
  • If you want pickup from your location, you need to have your own account number as using the Mail and Distribution Account will result in a pickup fee.

Invoices for these shipments are received and paid in the following ways.

  • FedEx software – “Billing Online”, an electronic invoicing process.
    • FedEx loads these invoices into a database daily. Online entries are electronically loaded and airbills are scanned in and read optically, thus the opportunity for errors.
    • University services download these files periodically.
    • All items that have not been downloaded previously will be pulled in this download. The invoice total of each "batch" is approved for payment and sent to University Accounting for payment completion.
    • Each invoice shows the sending department, recipient, date shipped, date delivered and the internal billing reference from the “your reference” field, which can either be the department's 4-digit campus zip code or the desired cost object/WBS to which the department wants the shipment charged (Please, only use numeric for this field, no alpha, no dashes, no periods, etc. This is very important for processing.) If you fail to provide a billing number, FedEx accesses a $10 surcharge.
    • The shipments are billed to the respective departments through an internally developed program.
    • The department receives an email copy breakdown of the expenses on each individual shipment for review and account reconciliation.
  • Duty and Tax invoice (for International shipments)
    • Come to University Services as a separate invoice through the “Billing Online” process.
    • Each Duty and Tax invoice is rebilled to the respective department from information in the internal billing reference from the “your reference” field.
    • These invoices will have the same invoice number as the original invoice.
  • If you have questions, contact Skylar Wendel 2-7831. Our FedEx representative is Josh Hermann 402-536-9682, he is willing to walk you through any difficulty with the FedEx online process.